Friday, November 29, 2019
Green Sickness Carrion Essay Example
Green Sickness Carrion Essay Romeo and Juliet is a tragic, romantic play written by William Shakespeare. The play is set in the town of Verona, were rivalry has thrived between two families; the Capulets and the Montages. Romeo who is Montague meets Juliet a Capulet, at a party. Fate has brought them together and they both immediately fall in love. Later they find out there families have a eternal feud. Romeo decides he loves her never the less and they confess love for each other and decide to marry the next day. Friar Laurence agrees for them to get married in effort for the feuding between the families to end. At the same time the Capulets are planning Juliet marriage to Paris. Juliet does not what to marry Paris as she is in love with Romeo and decides to take some fake sleeping potion so everyone thinks she is dead. She arranges Friar Laurence to send a message to Romeo to let him know that she is faking her death. But unfortunately Romeo does not receive the message and believes that Juliet has died. Therefore he drinks poison and dies. When Juliets sleeping potion wears off, she is awaken to find the corpse of her love. Then she proceeds to kill herself with Romeos dragger. After the death of the ill-fated lovers, the two families make peace and share their sorrow. The harshness and strictness of the parents caused the death of Romeo and Juliet. We will write a custom essay sample on Green Sickness Carrion specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Green Sickness Carrion specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Green Sickness Carrion specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In act 3, scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare has revealed the stridency of medieval parents. Medieval parents virtually held absolute power over their children, especially their daughters as they were their parents possession from birth to marriage. Parents got their children married to whoever they chose, at early ages such as, 13.Wealthy parents got their children married to a prosperous and affluent person so, that they gained more respect and pride from the society. Parents expected their children to always be obedient, respectful and never disagree to their commands. Children in medieval times, had to do whatever their parents told them, whenever they told them. It was a harsh life for children compared to children today, who can do whatever they want, whenever they want .Todays parents let their children run their life in their own hands. Parents give their guidance, only if their children want to as children have their own independent lives, they chose who and when to get married. Parents today are cooperative compared to medieval parents who were strict. Below, I have explained some language devices Shakespeare has used in Romeo and Juliet, to show what the Capulets were like as medieval parents. In the scene Juliet disagrees to an arranged marriage to a wealthy man called Paris, Lord Capulet and Lady Capulet are extremely outraged as their verbal language shows how astringent medieval parents were. Shakespeare uses a range of ultimatums to interpret typical examples of medieval parents. For example, Lord Capulet frustratingly says to Juliet I tell thee what; get thee to the church OThursday; / Or never look me in the face and Gaze were you will, you shall not house with me. This illustrates the ferociousness of Lord Capulet, who will not accept Juliet as his daughter or allow her to live with him unless she agrees to marry Paris,who is very high class ad well known in the society. Medieval fathers brought enormous pressure on their daughters to marry the man he chose unlike parents nowadays would be more considerate to accept their childrens point of view. Mockery is another language device Shakespeare uses to emphasise the Capulets as traditional medieval parents. For example, Lord Capulet imitates her childish voice and says To answer, Ill not wed, I am too young, I pray pardon me to Juliet. Medieval parents neglected their childrens opinions and insulted them unlike parents today who are more supportive. The quote above demonstrates the fractious nature of Lord Capulet who assumes that Juliet is too young and too childish because she is refusing the good fortune offered to her. Another language device that Shakespeare employs to show the Capulets as typical examples of medieval parents is threatening language. Capulet shows impatience, while speaking to Juliet for example, Out, you green-sickness carrion! Out, you baggage/ You tallow face! . Green sickness-carrion is a double insult; it means she looks as green as something that has been dead for long and she is afflicted with sickness that comes from being a girl. Another example is, To go with Paris to Saint Peters Church/Or I will drag thee hurdle thither, Capulet is humiliating Juliet and threatening to drag her on a prisoners sledge to the church. These quotes show that medieval parents were extremely selfish and narrow minded unlike parents today who understand their childrens rights. A further device Shakespeare has used is rhetorical questions to portray the Capulets as medieval parents. Rhetorical questions were used to emphasise the Capulets outrage by Juliets dishonour for example, How, how, how, how, choppd logic? What is this? This argument is considered useless in Capulets mind. Another example is, Soft! take me with you, wife, How will she none? doth she not give us thanks? This emphasises that Capulet is astonished, he expected Juliet to thank him profusely and to be proud to be Pariss wife. This defines that medieval parents had strength over their children, who had no rights to do any on their chose. Nowadays children feel freer to choose their own paths without hesitation. Parents nowadays are more supportive unlike medieval parents who were very uncooperative. Shakespeare has used different language devices to imitate Capulets as medieval parents such as, uses of lists. The use of lists introduces the irritation of Capulets for example God breads makes me mad/ Day, night, hour, tide, time, work, play. This illustrates that Capulet worked really hard and spent a lot of time to find Juliet a husband but Juliet does not appreciate all he had done for her. Another list used in the scene was, And you be mine, Ill give you to my friend;/ And you be not, hang, beg, starve, die in the streets, this means that if Juliet does not agree to marry Paris, he will not accept her as his daughter and will not give her any support her, in her future life. Another language device Shakespeare uses to outline Capulets as a medieval parent is alliteration. Examples of alliteration were used when Capulets gets ill-tempered by Juliets imprudence and sarcastically says, Mistress Minion. This quotes that Juliet is a spoilt child. Another example used was Fettle you fine joints which means prepare for what you have ahead of you. The point that Shakespeare is making is that parents use to low grade their children and make them feel unwanted, unlike parents today who want their children to feel comfortable and wanted at home. Metaphors are another language device Shakespeare uses to display the Capulets as medieval parents. For example Lady Capulet irritatingly says to Juliet I would the fool were married to her grave .The point Shakespeare is making is that traditional medieval parents were very cold and unpleasant if they didnt get their way. The quote above means that if Juliet does not marry Paris the thing for her to do is die, her parents will feel shameful and deeply insulted if she rejects Paris, as Pariss family will no longer respect the Capulets. Shakespeare uses exclamation marks to indicate Capulets as medieval parents. For example Shakespeare uses exclamation marks to emphasise Capulets strong feelings such as, Hang thee, young baggage! disobedient wretch! This shows that Capulet was threatening Juliet by making unpleasant remarks. This shows that medieval parents did not think about there childrens feeling unlike parents today who understand their childrens feeling very well. In conclusion medieval expected too much of their children and didnt understand their feelings as they were treated in this way when they were children. Life was hard for medieval children; they had a lot to cope with unlike children today who are very enthusiastic.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Efforting to Remain Calm
Efforting to Remain Calm Efforting to Remain Calm Efforting to Remain Calm By Maeve Maddox I have a reader to thank (to blame?) for telling me about a coinage that is new to me. It may have begun with television announcers, but it’s spreading. Since I began looking for it, I’ve even found it in a book on sociology published by W.W. Norton. The word is efforting. Here are some examples of its use by television announcers: We are efforting to restore the signal from Fort Hood. We are efforting her report. Brian Williams, NBC we are efforting, trying to get a reaction from Georgia’s President. Tony Harris, CNN we are efforting to get an interview with General Tommy Franks Here it is in some Web headlines: Rugby Canada/USA Rugby efforting to get second half on EPN July 11 Solution efforting seems to fall in a gap between teams Strong Efforting Team to Avoid Letdown Group efforting signatures to repeal transgender law The genius of English word formation is responsible for keeping the language supplied with new words for new ideas, and I rejoice in it. But I have to admit that I cannot see what new idea this strange new verb expresses. It seems to me that one would try to restore a signal. Couldn’t one attempt to get an interview with someone? Before verbing the noun effort, consider whether one of the following might serve your purpose: attempt endeavor exert oneself make an effort try strive venture work at Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Direct and Indirect Objects8 Types of Parenthetical PhrasesComment, Suggestion, and Feedback
Thursday, November 21, 2019
MEDICAL ETHICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
MEDICAL ETHICS - Essay Example oral standards when conducting scientific experiments on live subjects, both human and animal subjects, in that certain practices are no longer allowed just for the sake of obtaining some data. It is now a requirement to seek prior approval before conducting an experiment to ensure that no subjects will be harmed and this strict code of ethical conduct has been extended to many clinical trials as well with regards to testing new drugs on people, that consent has been obtained and that full disclosure of potential side effects are made transparent and explained to participants. There are many ethical, moral and legal issues involved in animal testing such as using experimental new drugs on animals. These issues have concerned scientists and researchers alike and also animal rights advocates, who question the value of the data obtained from that kind of research (Watson, 2009, p. 17) while others prefer scientific research experiments should still be conducted but only under strict conditions that met all the ethical criteria (Rollin, 2006, p. 3) and that ethics should be applied in science. This topic is the subject of this brief paper concerning its so-called 3 Rs, namely replacement, reduction and refinement with regards to such experiments. The adoption of the aforementioned 3 Rs was a big step towards ethical considerations on experiments done on live animals. It was put forth by two eminent British biologists in 1960s as a way to treat animal subjects more humanely and acquired the status of an ethics standard. It has been termed as the 3 Rs principle and is discussed here in connection with the experiment on monkeys as observed in the wild and in captivity by scientists researching on the causes of stress. This is because stress is one of the leading causes of death among humans and knowledge gained from studying the troops of monkeys and baboons have great implications for the human species. Along this line, each component of the said principle will be
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Business and Society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Business and Society - Assignment Example Many authors are of the opinion that usually firms and large organizations focus on economic and environmental sustainability but they usually miss social sustainability (Freeman 2005). A community is not just about the environment rather the people living in the community are also of equal importance. The importance of social environment of any community or the organization is equally important as the physical environment of that particular community. Therefore, the companies should consider the social sustainability among its top focus priorities. It is one of the basic pillars for the social development in the society (Freeman 2005). A socially sustainable business definitely means a business, which is good in its operations and other related areas. By adopting the social sustainability practices, a business actually mitigates or reduces the amount of possible risks. These risks can be associated with the social and human issues related to the activities of the organization. For example if I have a site for my business which is unsafe for the labor working over here then it means that I am not fulfilling my responsibility of being socially sustainable. The worst situation will occur, if the workers may face any contingency because of that unsafe building. Therefore, we can say that a true sense of social sustainability is very much important and necessary for the company to be effective in the community. All of us are very much familiar with the term of work place ethics. The work place ethics may include all the ethical and moral values and codes of conducts, which must be fulfilled whenever we are working in any organization. If we consider the work place ethics from managerial point of view, then the provision of healthy and safe work place environment is also the responsibility of the managers. The work place or the working site should be designed in a way that people may not feel any hazard or harm in working here. This is the whole and sole
Monday, November 18, 2019
Proposed Healthcare Refrom Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Proposed Healthcare Refrom Act - Essay Example Increasing health insurance premiums and limitations in insurance itself keep people uninsured. The overall effect finally keep people away from early diagnosis and treatments or negligence of health and this will increase the morbidity and mortality rates which affect the living standards and the development of the country (Health Care, 2009). There is a huge difference in the health cost between the countries. Some Asian countries provide similar medical treatments with similar success rates to a cost few folds less than that of the US. Therefore it is interested to find the reason for this difference. Health cost includes not only the price of the medicines used but also the wages of the health staff and insurance company staff, there mortgages, bank charges, allowances, insurance for the building and equipments, transport cost etc. More intermediate involvement unnecessarily increases the final cost. Researchers have pointed out considerable opportunities to improve quality of the health care service while dropping the cost. Some academic medical centers in the country provide high quality service for less than half a cost and those physicians and others are provided with all the infrastructure, incentives and support needed. (Dartmouth Atlas Project, 2006) The proposed health scheme will assess the quality of the health services and inquire the discrepancy between the care providing institutions and take action to cut down unnecessary burden of health care cost. Obama’s plans will allow patients to select their preferred practitioner and most appropriate treatment plan without limiting to the choice of the insurance company. This will also empower people to quarry any doubtful condition of the insurance scheme and act upon medical malpractices and deliberate negligence and compensation. When health cost becomes low citizens are able to undergo early diagnosis and early treatments. This will
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Bleeding and Clotting Time in Different Blood Groups
Bleeding and Clotting Time in Different Blood Groups Comparison of Bleeding Time and Clotting Time in different Blood Groups among Medical students Nadera Yasmeen Assistant professor,Department of Physiology, KBNIMS Gulbarga-585104, Karnataka, India Abstract Background and objectives Blood grouping, Bleeding time and clotting time are clinically useful tests, extensively used during blood transfusion, platelet disorders and a variety of forms of treatment in hospitals. The objective of our study is to find out if there is any relationship between the blood groups with the bleeding time and clotting time in 1st year medical students. Materials and methods The study was performed in 172 apparently healthy 1st year MBBS students in the age group of 17-20 years, of the department of physiology at KBNIMS, Gulbarga. Bleeding time and clotting time were estimated by Duke Method and capillary tube method respectively. Blood grouping was done with standard antisera. Finally bleeding time and clotting time of different blood groups were compared and statistical analysis was done. Results and conclusion The study showed that O group was found in more number of cases (39.5%) than A, B AB blood group. Clotting time was increased in blood group B than A which was statistically highly significant. (p 0.05). Keywords: Blood Group, Bleeding Time, Clotting Time. INTRODUCTION Blood grouping is very essential as it plays an important role in blood transfusion, genetics forensic pathology and it may have some association with diseases like duodenal ulcer, diabetes mellitus, urinary tract infections, feto-maternal incompatibility leading to haemolytic disease of newborn.1-3 Earlier it has been reported that blood group O was over represented in Caucasian patients admitted with epistaxis compared with the general Caucasian population.4 It is also seen that there is an association between ABO blood group status and levels of vWF. Blood group O is associated with lower expression of Von Willebrand factor causing a relative bleeding tendency 5, 6 ,7 but other workers 8 could not find out any association between the level of vWF and bleeding time. The objective of this study is to find out if there is a relationship between the ABO blood groups with the bleeding time and clotting time in our population. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study included 172 apparently healthy 1st year MBBS students in the age group of 17-20 years of the department of Physiology at KBNIMS, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India. Blood groups were determined by mixing the samples of blood with the antisera A, B and D and looking for clumping of RBC’s under the microscope. Bleeding time was estimated by Duke Method and clotting time by Capillary tube method respectively9. Prior to the study ethical committee approval was taken from college authorities. RESULTS Statistical analysis was done using SPSS package version 19.0. During the study it was found that most of the students belonged to O group [39.5%] than A [25.5%], B [28.4%] and AB [6.3%] and Clotting time was statistically significant in all the blood groups. Bleeding time remained non-significant. [Table 1]. Table 1: Distribution of blood groups (n = 172) *P Graph 1. Comparison of clotting time Graph 2. Comparison of bleeding time in different blood groups in different blood groups DISCUSSION Considerable research has been carried out all over the world regarding diseases and their correlation with blood group. Reddy et al 4 found in their study that among Caucasian epistaxis patients 50.4% of patients were blood group O but among control groups, this was 45.10%. Another study performed by Daniel et al 8 pointed out that admission for epistaxis was more common among Caucasian than Asian people. Morant AE 5 showed in their study the prevalence of blood group O was more among Caucasians than Asians. (Caucasians 46 versus Asian 31%.) It is seen that persons having any other blood group except O are at more risk of venous thromboembolism. Non O group individuals have higher levels of von Willebrand factor (vWF) and factor VIII (FVIII) 10, 11. In our study population also, O group was prevalent in more number (39.5%) of cases than other blood group (B- 28.4, A- 25.5, AB- 6.3%). Clotting time was increased in blood group B than A which was statistically highly significant. (p Conclusion Our study suggests that O blood group is prevalent in more number of students. Clotting time is more in all the blood groups which was statistically significant. Bleeding time did not show any statistically significant change. Further larger study is needed to verify the above mentioned findings. Further study needs to find out if there is any association of this finding in cases of epistaxis in our population. REFERENCES 1. Akhtar MN, Tayyib A, Tasneem T, Butt AR. ABO blood group in patients with peptic ulcer disease : Association with secretor status . Ann King Edward Med Coll 2003; 9: 238-40. 2. Qureshi MA, Bhatti R. Frequency of ABO blood groups among the diabetes mellitus type 2 patients. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2003; 13: 453-5. 3. Ziegler T, Jacobsohn N, Fà ¼nfstà ¼ck R. Correlation between blood group phenotype and virulence properties of Escherichia coli in patients with chronic urinary tract infection Int. J Antimicrob Agents. 2004; 24 Suppl 1:570-5. 4. Reddy, V.M., M Daniel, E. Bright, S.R. Broad and A.A. Moir, 2008. Is there an association between blood group O and epistaxis ? J. Laryngol. Otol., 122: 366-368. DOI: 10.1017/S0022215107008560 5. Mourant, A.E., 1983. Blood Relations: Blood Groups and Anthropology. Oxford University Press, New York, pp : 146. 6. Favaloro, E.J., S. Soltani, J. McDonald, E. Grezchnik, I.. Easton and J. W. Favaloro, 2005. Reassessment of ABO blood group, sex and age on laboratory parameters used to diagnose Von Willebrand disorder: Potential influence on the diagnosis Vs the potential association with risk of thrombosis. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 124: 910-917. 7. Gill, J.C., E.J. Brooks, P.J. Bauer, W.J. Marks Jr and R.R. Montgomery, 1987. The effect of ABO blood group on the diagnosis of Von Willebrand disease. Blood, 69 : 1691-1695 8. Daniel, M., M.C.Jaberoo, R.E. Stead, V.M. Reddy and A.A. Moir, 2006. Is admission for epistaxis more common in Caucasian than in Asian people? Preliminary study. Clin. Otolaryngol. 31: 386-389. 9. Ghai, C.L., 1999. A Text book of Practical Physiology. 5th Edn. Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi, Haematology, pp: 84-101. 10. Jenkins PV, O’Donnell JS. ABO blood group determines plasma von Willebrand factor levels; a biologic function after all? Transfusion. 2006; 46 (10):1836-1844. 11. Kamphuisen PW, Elkenboom JCI, Bertina RM. Elevated Factor VIII levels and the risk of Thrombosis. Arterioscler Thromb vasc Biol. 2001; 21 (5):731-738.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Lord Of The Flies :: essays research papers
Setting is the physical environment in which action occurs. It is a common literary element of every story. However, when it is used eloquently, it can be seen as brilliant device that aids in the development of a story. In the novel Lord of the Flies, the author, William Golding, focuses on depicting his setting in great detail. Throughout the novel, he utilizes the setting to motivate character behavior, foreshadow events that will take place, and also to represent the values held by the characters. At the beginning of the novel, the characters discover that they are stranded on an island with no other humans. Since all of the characters are children, they are inexperienced on how to handle grave situations. Considering they are all by themselves, their environment forcefully arranges them into two groups. One of the groups is the hunters which will go out and kill animals for food. This group must be created, otherwise, all the characters shall die. The boy who will take on this challenge will be Jack. Jack, at the beginning of the novel, was a very considerate and caring. An example of this takes place in chapter one where he is about to kill a pig but did not have the heart to do it. However as the novel proceeds, his environment, the forest, and his new role of hunter will change him to an uncaring, selfish savage. The other group that will co-exist is one that will stay behind and do non-violent work such as building huts or creating weapons. As a result of having two groups within the whole, a leader must emerge in order to keep the two groups working efficiently. Since there is no adult on the island to take on the responsibility, the character’s environment once again forces them to elect a leader. The person who is elected is Ralph. He is forced to be organized and insightful on how to keep everyone alive. This is shown through him organizing a way for people to voice their opinions in his meetings. It is also shown through him suggesting that they build shelter and appointing people to take on certain parts in that task. Golding also uses the setting in order to foreshadow events that will happen or actions of characters. At the beginning of the novel, he illustrates the island in a fashion that makes it seem heavenly.
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Sunflower Over the summer we read the book â€Å"The Sunflower†, a story written by Simon Waistlines. The story consists of a man named Simon having to make a choice of to forgive someone that has brought him great pain. Simon Is faced with Nazi asking for forgiveness for all the people he has killed over the years. Simon makes a choice but later regrets It. The book â€Å"The Sunflower†starts with Simon Waistlines being put Into a concentration camp during the Holocaust.He lives his life as a prisoner day by day until one day he is taken with a group to clean trash at a hospital. While walking through the town to the hospital he sees a cemetery for Nazi soldiers. He noticed that each grave had a single sunflower planted on top of it. When Simon reaches the hospital he is called inside by TA nurse who brings him too patient's room. The room he was brought to was the one of a dying Nazi named Karl. Simon was stuck in Kart's room listening to his story about what he has done to Jews, the people he has killed and his mother.When Karl is done telling his story, he begs Simon for forgiveness. Without answering Simon leaves. He couldn't decide whether it was a good idea or not to forgive the Nazi. The day after, Simon is brought back to the hospital. The nurse again brings him inside and instead of going to the patient's room she gives him Kart's possessions. Karl had passes away the night before. One day after Simon is freed from the camp, he goes to visit Kart's mother's house. He thinks it will help him decide whether or not he made the right decision of not forgiving Karl.After he speaks to her, he still can't decide whether he made the right decision. At the end of the story he asked the reader what they would have done the same thing. I understand why Simon made that decision he did. I would've done the same thing. In anger a lot of decisions are made. Simon was Just very angry with Karl because he killed his own people. Asking for forgivenes s from something Like that Is a big thing. If I were Simon I would've done the same exact thing. I would have been angry with the man who killed a lot of my family friends and to ask for forgiveness after too.I would have never forgiven that man. Push By Holloway 4 forgive someone that has brought him great pain. Simon is faced with Nazi asking for later regrets it. The book â€Å"The Sunflower†starts with Simon Waistlines being put into a until one day he is taken with a group to clean trash at a hospital. While walking hospital he is called inside by TA nurse who brings him to a patient's room. The room speaks to her, he still can't decide whether he made the right decision. At the end of because he killed his own people. Asking for forgiveness from something like that is a Apush CHAPTER 11 * The tie between Aaron Burr and Jefferson meant that Jefferson had to be elected by the house of reps. * Jefferson and his secretary kept financial policies like funding, assumption, and the Bank of the U. S. in place. * The Jeffersonian Republicans showed their hostility by trying to impeach Justice Samuel Chase. * Marbury vs. Madison established judicial review; the right of the Supreme Court to declare legislation unconstitutional. * Jefferson cut the army to 2500 men because he thought a large army was a threat to liberty and economy. Jefferson’s deepest doubt about the Louisiana Purchase was that the purchase might be unconstitutional. * Lewis and Clark expedition demonstrated the viability of an overland American route to the Pacific. * After 1805, American shipping was severely hurt by trade restrictions imposed by both the British and French. * After the Chesapeake Affair Jefferson could have easily declared war on Britain with the enthusiastic support from both the Federalists and Republicans. (what is Chesapeake affair? ) * Jefferson’s embargo badly hurt Federalist New England as well as southern and western farmers. New Englanders overcame the effects of the embargo by trading illicitly with Canada and developing more domestic manufacturing. * The most revolutionary development in the critical election of 1800 was the peaceful transition of power form one political party to its opponent. * One federalist policy that Jefferson quickly overturned was the excise tax. * Jefferson was forced to reverse his strong opposition to substantial military forces b/c of the plunder and blackmailing of American shipping by North African states. Although greatly weakened after Jefferson’s election, the Federalist party’s philosophy continued to have great influence through the federalist judicial rulings of John Marshall * The tern â€Å"midnight judges†refers to Federalist judges appointed by Pres. John Adams at the l ast moments of his administration. * The republicans failure to impeach Supreme Court justice Samuel Chase established the principle that impeachment should be used only for â€Å"high crimes and misdemeanors†and not as a political weapon. * Jefferson focused his military construction policy primarily on building several hundred small gun boats. Embargo Act prohibited all foreign trade. * The crucial foreign goal for many â€Å"war hawks†in the war of 1812 was the capture and annexation of Canada. * Tecumseh and the prophet created a pan Indian military alliance against white expansion and also urged Native Americans to resist white ways and revive their traditional culture. * Native American resistance east of the Mississippi river was effectively crushed in the two battles of Tippecanoe and Horseshoe Bend. CHAPTER 12 * Napoleons decision to repeal his blockage decrees in response to Macon’s Bill No. 2 demonstrated how Madison was manipulated by napoleon. The large western delegations in Congress were very concerned about foreign policy issues such as Canada and maritime rights. * A good deal of western hostility to Britain arose b/c the war hawks believed that the British were supplying the Native Americans. * New Englanders did not want to acquire Canada at all. * Even though the New England shippers were most affected by overseas trade they did not want to confront Britain on issues for impressment and maritime rights. * American naval forces under Perry and Macdonough thwarted British-Canadian invasion threats to Detroit and upstate New York. Clay’s and Calhoun’s plans for an extensive system of federally funded roads and canals were blocked by Republican presidents who had constitutional objections. * The Era of Good Feelings under President Monroe was broken by the Panic of 1819 and the battle over slavery in Missouri. * B/c of its wildcat banking practices and land speculation, the west was hit especially hard in th e panic of 1819. * Missouri compromise: Missouri a slave state, Maine a free state and no more slavery would be permitted in the Louisiana Purchase territory north of the southern boundary of Missouri. John Marshalls Supreme Court rulings generally defended the power of the federal government against the power of the states. * The greatest American military successes of the War of 1812 came in the naval battles on the Great Lakes and elsewhere. * Two prominent American military heroes who emerged from the War of 1812 were Oliver Hazard Perry and Andrew Jackson. * The American victory in the Battle of New Orleans proved essentially meaningless b/c the peace treaty had been signed several weeks before. * The terms of the treaty of Ghent nding the War of 1812 provided that the two sides would stop fighting and return to the status quo before the war. * One significant consequence of the War of 1812 was an increase in domestic manufacturing and economic independence. * A significant int ernational consequence of the war of 1812 was a growth of Canadian patriotism and nationalism. * The new nationalistic feeling right after the war of 1812 was evident in the development of a distinctive national literature, an increased emphasis on economic independence, and a new pride in the American army and navy. * MuCulloch vs. Maryland: Justice John Marshall said that the federal bank of the U. S. was constitutional and no state had the right to tax it. * Daniel Webster joined John Marshall in expanding the power of the federal government at the expense of the states. * Andrew Jackson’s invasion of Florida led to permanent acquisition of the territory after Secretary of State Adams further pressured Spain to cede the area to the U. S. * The original impetus for declaring the Monroe doctrine came from a British proposal that American join Britain in guaranteeing the independence of the Latin American republics. The Monroe Doctrine asserted that the U. S. would not tolerate further European intervention or colonization in the Americas. * The immediate effect of the Monroe Doctrine at the time it was issued was very little. CHAPTER 13 * The â€Å"New Democracy†was based on the ending of property qualifications for the ballot in most states. * The voters failed to give an electoral majority to a ny candidate in 1824, so the house of reps. had to choose the president form among the top three candidates. * President Adams attempted to uphold strong nationalistic principles in a time of rowing sectionalism. The south and its leading spokesman, Calhoun, favored the tariff of 1816 but opposed the stronger tariff of 1828. * The election campaigns of 1828 were more about personalities and mudslinging than on the issues of tariffs and popular democracy. * The election of 1828 was in some ways a â€Å"revolution†of the common people of the West and South against the older, entrenched governing classes of the East. * The Jacksonians practiced their belief that the ordinary citizen was capable of holding almost any public office w/o particular qualifications. * One consequence of the spoils system was the building of the powerful political achienes based on favors and rewards distributed to political supporters. * In the Hayne-Webster debate, the southerner Hayne defended the doctrine of nullification by the states, while Webster attacked it as contrary to a union formed by the while American people rather than by the states. * An essential cause of the â€Å"New Democracy†was the increased stake in politics felt by ordinary citizens after the panic of 1819 and the Missouri Compromise. * A new, more democratic method of nominating presidential candidates was the national nominating convention. * The Jacksonian charge of a â€Å"corrupt bargain†to gain J. Q. A. the presidency arose b/c Clay was named secretary of state after throwing his support to Adams. * The New Democracy arose partly b/c economic distress and the issue of slavery in Missouri stimulated a heightened public awareness of politics. * One political innovation that illustrated the new popular voice in politics was the rise of national party conventions to nominate presidential candidates. * Adam being stubborn and prickly, his support for national roads, a notional university, and an astronomical observatory, and his anti-western land and Indian policies made his presidency a political failure. In the battle over the â€Å"Tariff of Abominations,†New England backed high tariffs while south demanded lower duties. * Under the surface of the South’s strong opposition to the â€Å"tariff of Abominations†was a fear of growing federal power that might interfere in slavery. * John C. Calhoun’s theory of â€Å"nullification†was based on the idea that states should be able to declare invalid those laws they deemed unconstitutional. * The concept of a political â€Å"revolution of 1828†rests on the increased involvement of ordinary voters in the political process. One of the central beliefs of the new Jacksonian democracy was that office holding should be open to as many ordinary citizens as possible. * One consequence of the spoil system was an increase in incompetence and corruption in government. * The Peggy Eaton affair contributed to the bitter, personal political conflict between Andrew Jackson and Calhoun. * Jackson’s Maysville Road veto signaled his opposition to Henry Clay’s American System. * In his debate with Hayne, Daniel Webster argued that the federal government had formed by the people and the states had no right to nullify federal law. CHAPTER 14 * Jackson ended South Carolina’s threat of nullification and secession by political pressure, compromise, and the threat of military action. * No states backed up South Carolina and their act of nullification against the federal government. * Jackson used his veto of the bill to recharter the bank of the U. S. to mobilize the common people of the west against the financial elite of the east. * The anti-Masonic third party of 1832 appealed strongly to American suspicion of secret societies and to anti-Jackson evangelical Protestants. * Jackson finally destroyed the Band of the U. S. y moving federal deposits to state banks; the independent treasury was not established until 1840. * Jackson defied the Supreme Court and ordered eastern Indians removed to Oklahoma. * American settlers in Texas clashed with the Mexican government over issues of slavery, immigration, and legal rights. * The Whig party eventually coalesced into a strong anti-Jackson party with a generally nationalistic outlook. * Van Buren suffered the bad effects of the anti-bank battle, especially in the panic of 1819. * The Whigs pretended that Harrison was from a poor background to form the basis appeal. Van Buren last the election of 1840 partly b/c voters connected him with the hard times caused by the panic of 1837. * The Whigs favored harmony and activism. The Democrats favored liberty and equality. * The two-party system placed a premium on political compromise within each party and thus tended to reduce the ideological conflict between the parties. * The nullification crisis in South Carolina ended when Henry Clay pushed through a compromise tariff that enabled South Carolina to save face. * Jackson’s veto if the bank recharter bill represented a bold assertion of presidential power on behalf of western farmers and other debtors. Among the new political development that appeared in the election of 1832 were third-party campaigning, national conventions, and party pla tforms. * Jackson’s Specie Circular declared that all public lands would have to be purchased with â€Å"hard†or metallic money. * One of Andrew Jackson’s weapons in his was against Nicholas Biddle’s Bank of the U. S. was removing federal deposits from the bank and transferring them to â€Å"pet†state banks. * One important result of President Jackson’s destruction of the bank of the U. S. was the lack of a stable banking system to finance the era of rapid industrialization. In theory, the U. S. government treated the Indians east if the Mississippi River as sovereign nations with whom the government negotiated and signed binding treaties. * Some eastern Indian peoples like the Cherokees were notable for their development of effectiveness agricultural, educational, and political institutions. * In promoting his policy of Indian removal, Jackson defied rulings of the U. S. Supreme Court that favored Cherokees. * The end result of Jacksonâ⠂¬â„¢s Indian policies the forcible removal of the most southeastern Indians to Oklahoma. * A particular source of friction b/w the gov’t. f Mexico and the immigrant settlers in Texas was the settlers’ importation of slaves. * In the aftermath of the successful Texas Revolution, Texas petitioned to join the U. S. but was refused admission. * The panic of 1837 and subsequent depression were caused by overspecutlation and Jacksons financial policies. * Whig Party: Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. Tended to favor a strong federal role in economic and moral issues. CHAPTER 15: * American frontier life was often plagued by poverty and illness. * The influx of Irish immigrants contributed to the rise of nativism and anti-Catholicism. Most early American manufacturing was concentrated in New England. * The principle of â€Å"general incorporation†permitted individual business people to apply for limited-liability corporate charters from the state legislatures. * The ear ly industrial revolution involved jobs with long hours and low wages. * Early labor unions made very slow progress; partly b/c the strike weapon was illegal and ineffective. * The steel plow and mechanical reaper helped turn American farmers from subsistence farming to commercial, market-oriented agriculture. * By 1840, canals were cheaper and more effective than highways. The Erie Canal’s great economic effect was to create strong east-west commercial and industrial links b/w the Northeast and the West (Midwest). * The railroad met much early opposition, especially from canal interest. * In the sectional division of labor that developed before the civil war, the south generally provided raw materials to the Northeast in exchange for manufactured goods, transportation, and commercial services. * Most women remained outside the market economy, in the home. * American industrial cities were the sites of a slow but steady rise in wage rates for most workers. By the time of the c ivil war, telegraph lines had been stretched across both the Atlantic Ocean and the North American continent. * The experience of frontier life was especially difficult for women. * As late as 1850, over one-half of the American population was under the age of thirty. * The primary economic activity in the Rocky Mountain West before the civil war was fur-trapping. * Americans came to look on their spectacular western wilderness areas especially as one of their distinctive, defining attributes as a new nation. The American painter who developed the idea for a national park system was George Catlin. * Two major sources of European immigration to America in the 1840’s and the 1850’s were Germany and Ireland. * One Consequence of the influx of new immigrants was an upsurge of anti-Catholicism. * Industrialization was at first slow to arrive in America b/c there was a shortage of labor, capital, and consumers. * The first industry to be shaped by the new factory system of m anufacturing goods was textiles. * Wages went up for most American workers in the 19th century except for women and children. A major change affecting the American family in the early 19th century was a decline in the average number of children per household. * The first major improvements in the American transportation system were steamboats and highways. * The new regional â€Å"division of labor†created by improved transportation meant that the south=cotton, the west=grain and livestock, and the east= manufacturing. * One effect if industrialization was a rise in the gap between rich and poor. * A major new technological development that linked America more closely to Europe was the transatlantic cable.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Cystic Fibrosis Gene Essays - Cystic Fibrosis, Protein Families
The Cystic Fibrosis Gene Essays - Cystic Fibrosis, Protein Families The Cystic Fibrosis Gene Biology - Genetics The Cystic Fibrosis Gene Introduction: Cystic fibrosis is an inherited autosomal recessive disease that exerts its main effects on the digestive system and the lungs. This disease is the most common genetic disorder amongst Caucasians. Cystic fibrosis affects about one in 2,500 people, with one in twenty five being a heterozygote. With the use of antibiotics, the life span of a person afflicted with CF can be extended up to thirty years however, most die before the age of thirteen.1 Since so many people are affected by this disease, it's no wonder that CF was the first human genetic disease to be cloned by geneticists. In this paper, I will be focusing on how the cystic fibrosis gene was discovered while at the same time, discussing the protein defect in the CF gene, the bio-chemical defect associated with CF, and possible treatments of the disease. Finding the Cystic Fibrosis Gene: The classical genetic approach to finding the gene that is responsible for causing a genetic disease has been to first characterize the bio-chemical defect within the gene, then to identify the mutated protein in the gene of interest, and finally to locate the actual gene. However, this classical approach proved to be impractical when searching for the CF gene. To find the gene responsible for CF, the principle of "reverse genetics" was applied. Scientists accomplished this by linking the disease to a specific chromosome. After this linkage, they isolated the gene of interest on the chromosome and then tested its product.2 Before the disease could be linked to a specific chromosome, a marker needed to be found that would always travel with the disease. This marker is known as a Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism or RFLP for short. RFLP's are varying base sequences of DNA in different individuals which are known to travel with genetic disorders.3 The RFLP for cystic fibrosis was discovered through the techniques of Somatic Cell Hybridization and through Southern Blot Electrophoresis (gel separation of DNA). By using these techniques, three RFLP's were discovered for CF; Doc RI, J3.11, and Met. Utilizing in situ hybridization, scientists discovered the CF gene to be located on the long arm of chromosome number seven. Soon after identifying these markers, another marker was discovered that segregated more frequently with CF than the other markers. This meant the new marker was closer to the CF gene. At this time, two scientists named Lap-Chu Tsui and Francis Collins were able to isolate probes from the CF interval. They were now able to utilize to powerful technique of chromosome jumping to speed up the time required to isolate the CF gene much faster than if they were to use conventional genetic techniques.3 In order to determine the exact location of the CF gene, probes were taken from the nucleotide sequence obtained from chromosome jumping. To get these probes, DNA from a horse, a cow, a chicken, and a mouse were separated using Southern Blot electrophoresis. Four probes were found to bind to all of the vertebrate's DNA. This meant that the base pairs within the probes discovered contained important information, possibly even the gene. Two of the four probes were ruled out as possibilities because they did not contain open reading frames which are segments of DNA that produce the mRNA responsible for genes. The Northern Blot electrophoresis technique was then used to distinguish between the two probes still remaining in order to find out which one actually contained the CF gene. This could be accomplished because Northern Blot electrophoresis utilizes RNA instead of DNA. The RNA of cell types affected with CF, along with the RNA of unaffected cell types were placed on a gel. Probe number two bound to the RNA of affected cell types in the pancreas, colon, and nose, but did not bind to the RNA from non-affected cell types like those of the brain and heart. Probe number one did not bind exclusively to cell types from CF affected areas like probe number two did. From this evidence, it was determined that probe number two contained the CF gene. While isolating the CF gene and screening the genetic library made from mRNA (cDNA library), it was
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Developement of video games essays
Developement of video games essays In three decades, home-computerised gaming has made huge steps towards complete integration into Western homes. In thirty years the video game console has become a multi-billion pound international industry, with a place in millions of homes worldwide. It all started in the 1970s when this new invention was seen as only an experiment within the compounds of technology, yet we can now see that it has made more money than the movie industry, especially in recent years. 1972 was a remarkably important year for technology in which, both the microprocessor (the heart of home computers) and the compact disc (the current mainstream source of audio) completed development. In addition the first home games console was released in America, the Magnavox Odyssey. Ralph Baer, its creator, dedicated several years of his life in his basement building what looked like an ugly, brown box. Little did he know that his home-made experimentation of technology would be the foundation for the future of games consoles. The Magnavox Odyssey only consisted of 40 transistors and 40 diodes, because microchips were so expensive at the time. The console had not been designed with sound producing components, however, this was something that could be developed for future Odysseys. This basic video game system was only able to generate very simple on screen effects and the players had to keep score themselves. In 1976 an American electronics company known as Fairchild released their contribution to the developing game console industry, the Fairchild Channel F. The appeal of this system was that additional games could be purchased in the form of Videocart cartridges. This cartridge based method would remain the standard in the video game console industry for one and a half decades. Following in the footsteps of the Channel F a number of different consoles were released. RCA produced the Studio II. It could only produce black...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Human Services Program and Profession Unit Research Paper
Human Services Program and Profession Unit - Research Paper Example According to the paper the reporter wants to learn how to network clientele with needed society resources and services. Additionally, the degree course should prepare him on how to serve for the worker as a basis to convey a thorough baccalaureate degrees. The human service degree and program should support national agenda approval with the national accrediting body for human service degrees. He expects to take part in students’ election to aim my academic course in the human service, psychological health or gerontology domain. This can be accomplished by following two applied that are aimed particularly in the selected area of concentration.This strudy stresses that the author looks forward to getting a GPA above 2.75 amongst the Human Services candidates. This way, he can get a continuing learning credit for more than half a decade ought to file his familiarity with all units and fields associated with the human services degree course and profession. The course should also e nable him to join groups that create a path to adhering to the guidelines provided by the National Organization for Human Services. The author looks forward to standardizing crucial education anticipations and morals in human services class involved with human services workers. The class should be able to bestow the HS-BCP credentials. The reporter wants to learn how to prim my colleagues to effectually work and knowledgeably operate systems in need of uninterrupted care, assistance and individual support.Â
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Project Management Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7250 words
Project Management Analysis - Research Paper Example s such as Sony, EMI, Warner Music Group and universal lead to the foundation of the company which can provide original sound tracks with ease of access named as SPOTIFY (Catherine, 2012, p. 82). The SPOTIFY is a service that provides commercial music streaming with a class of copy protection technologies. The copy protection technology protects the content from the reproduction. SPOTIFY include the content from the record labels (Billboard, 2009, p. 24). The service facilitates the users from browsing or searching the music by categories such as artist, genre, record label or play list. SPOTIFY was developed by SPOTIFY AB in Stockholm Sweden, The founder of the company was Daniel Ek, who was a Swedish entrepreneur and a renowned technologist who came up with an idea of launching the services that can provide to its users ease of access to the world of music at high quality. The company was launched in 2006. The promotion of no piracy with original music was the main idea behind the p roject. SPOTIFY launched its application on 7th cot 2008. In order to manage the growth of the service, free account remained available. However, the paid subscription also began after the launch of the application (Billboard, 2009, p. 25). In November 2011, Spotify launched the mobile app named as SPOTIFY App. The app made it possible to for the developers such as third party developers to contribute towards a core technology of the internet, which can be used for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web. The core technology could be hosted within the desktop player of SPOTIFY (Anderson & Schwarz, 2013, p. 150). The mobile application could provide number of features such as synchronization of the lyrics, critical reviews regarding music and extremely long playlist (Kijima, 2014, p. 61). The formation of the SPOTIFY APP had one main objective: To create an internet based company that can provide easy access to millions of songs with customized demands while
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