Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Honda Inc. Supply Chain Management - 1316 Words
Honda Motor Company Ltd. How does Mr. Honda’s history with suppliers relate to Honda’s current supply management strategy? Honda’s current supply management strategy is consistent with Mr. Honda’s history. There three factors about Honda’s supply management strategy, focus on local market, emphasis on competition and reliable suppliers. According to the Honda’s export strategy of â€Å"Honda and U.S. – Japan Automotive Trade†(1997), it is clearly that Honda focuses on regional markets which contributes to developing more sales, strong research and better development. And their strategy of manufacturing the products where or near to where they are sold is the result of their being local strategy. Additionally, focus on local market benefits†¦show more content†¦Since 1986 the MOSS came out, Honda created thousands of job opportunities in US and in turn it gets a lot benefit. What are the key elements of Honda’s supplier evaluation policy? How does it differ from others (e.g. the Big Three)? Suppliers are able to be involved in the product development to some degree. Different from others which control everything during purchasing and the suppliers are just responsible for supplying products as what is in the contract, Honda’s suppliers are able to offer advice about enhancing the efficiency which facilitate the cooperation as well as the products. In other words, Honda and its suppliers are mutually-beneficial cooperation rather than Honda just relies on suppliers. Continuous development and responsiveness of suppliers at the early age of product development process is critically important. â€Å"Honda tries to encourage suppliers’ suggestions early before finalizing drawings, particularly in the area of cost reduction and quality improvement.†Honda always tries to maintain relationship with suppliers. It is hard to communicate effectively in Honda’s four trade zone but Honda always pays attention to it. As Mr. Morita says, â€Å"Honda places value on maintaining relationships, so we do not enter into them lightly.†Different from companies which focus on the immediate benefit of low cost rather than long-term benefits of maintaining relationship, Honda values suppliers and tries best to maintainShow MoreRelatedToyota Production System ( Tps )1164 Words  | 5 PagesProduction System (TPS) is a lean production Operations Management technique, steeped in the philosophy of operational efficiency, operational sustainability, operational effectiveness, and quality, with focus on waste elimination, innovation and human rights (Toyota Motor Corporation, 2015a; Toyota Motor Manufacturing, 2015). 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Vaccination Of Vaccination And Vaccination - 1585 Words
Vaccination is widely considered one of mankind’s utmost medical achievements. Diseases that were not long ago commonplace in society are now increasingly rare due vaccines. Despite this, the United States continues to allow vaccination exemptions for children on the basis of religious or philosophical beliefs. Today, the vast majority of states allow religious exemptions and a smaller, but still substantial, number of states permit the more troubling philosophical exemptions. The exemptions compromise vaccination programs and leave the population susceptible to outbreaks. Thus to stop the growing percentage of Americans claiming exemptions, the federal and state governments, could consider utilizing measures currently used in Australia and France that would further dissuade people from seeking such exemptions. History of Vaccination and Vaccination Mandates Prior to engaging in an investigation of the modern vaccination laws and policies it is first helpful to briefly explore the history of vaccines. The history of vaccines extends back centuries. The first recoded inoculation occurred in China around 1000 A.D. The history of subsequent centuries is riddled with epidemics and outbreaks throughout the world. The outbreaks often involved diseases that today are treatable through vaccination notably smallpox, measles, and pertussis (whooping cough). Edward Jenner created the first â€Å"true†vaccine in 1796. Jenner’s vaccine treated smallpox and gave its recipients immunityShow MoreRelatedVaccination Of Vaccination And Vaccination Essay1916 Words  | 8 PagesSummary Vaccinations have saved countless lives of children, adolescents and adults and have made diseases like small pox disappear. 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That being said this is a persuasiveRead MoreVaccinations And Immunizations Of Vaccinations1597 Words  | 7 PagesVaccinations and immunizations are given by injecting a small sample of a known virus into the human body to strengthen the immune system. The body will fight off and become immune to the virus, no longer being able to contract the disease that the virus may cause. Although science has proven time and time again that vaccines are here to help our safety and us, some people are still skeptic about them and refuse to be vaccinated. This choice puts others at risk. Misinformation about vaccinationsRead MoreThe Controversy Of Vaccination Of Vaccinations1562 Words  | 7 Pageslight on this unfamiliar concept. My topic will be about the controversy of vaccinations. I am going to research its history, the effect on your body, advantages and disadvantages. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Ocean Free Essays
Why do I do it? Why do I scare myself with the ocean†¦? It is true, it is merciless, literally; it’s not conscious, so it has no feelings, no remorse, no pity, no awareness. It would be wrong to say it is inanimate, because it is certainly animate. And not alive, yet contains so much life within it might as well be. We will write a custom essay sample on The Ocean or any similar topic only for you Order Now Like a Frankenstein body filled with cells and bacteria and nerve impulses yet no consciousness. My worst nightmare – I don’t have it very often but it’s a strong one – can take a variety of forms and happen in a variety of places: it’s being overwhelmed by a tsunami. I sat watching one of the biggest waves in the world – at Teahupoo – with my friend, a psychologist. I asked her what a psychologist would say that fear of a tsunami meant. â€Å"I dunno. Probably something to do with your mother. Normally is, eh? †. But I can’t help thinking I’m also just simply scared of death by drowning. Why then do I travel by freighter ship, why then do I want to sail across the ocean in a tiny sail boat? Funnily, the tsunami dream never occurs at sea. It’s always the shore that is inundated. With that wall of approaching death. But the sea still scares me. As well it should. It is the only sensible reaction to be cautious of such a beast. I keep on wishing to anthropomorphise it. Should I? Cautious, yes†¦ but scared? I’m trying to work out is my fear rational or irrational. Do I think the sea, the ocean, symbolises something, someone? Do I think something – like the tsunami – is coming to get me? Or someone? Or is it myself that’s haunting me? Even here on the bridge, of a vast freighter ship, 150 feet above the calm dark waters of the Pacific, I worry. I am outside, I hear a horn. Was that ours, I ask? The watchmen say no maybe it was the radio. It wasn’t a radio. I check the radar – nothing. I skip outside again this time with binoculars. Give me a man with binoculars over your electronic instruments. Or is it just my lack of faith? Faith in what? In technology? In buoyancy? In myself? Every time I stand at a railing I crouch slightly. I am secretly terrified that someone might come up behind me and just topple me in. Even during the day to drop off the side of this ship would be practically certain death. No doubt about it. You would be gone, gone, gone. No one would see. And by the time they noticed your absence at dinner they would never, ever find you. Maybe the worst thing is that I know the ocean could swallow this whole enormous ship and not care. Not even show a trace of where it had been. Two miles deep in a matter of hours. The first mate assures me, helpfully, that yes, that could happen. Sometimes, they break in two, he says. And sink in minutes. So helpful. Not what I expected or hoped for him to say. And maybe that’s another thing. That if you die in a car crash at least there’s a body. There’s something for your family to cry over, to mourn, there’s a proof that you existed. Die in the ocean and they’ll probably never find your body. Your life, and the physical proof of your existence, will both be gone at the same time. We like to think we would live on in other’s memories. But it would be nice to have a grave. And there’s no substitute for still existing. I never realised before: yes, I want to lie in a grave. I want to die in a bed, and then be put in a grave. An orchard, where I can turn into sweet apples. Don’t tell anyone. But here, I don’t belong. This is not where I came from. As beautiful as it is this place, under the moon, the light on the ocean (or is that glimmer some obstacle we are heading for a collision with? ) it is not our home. We are not returning to the ocean, because it’s not where we’re from. Our bodies know this. They are averse to the endless waters where we could be lost, forever, completely, and never nurture the lands of our home again. On the horizon there is lightning. We can see a long way here: we can see everything – so we see lightning striking on all sides. Far in the distance. Out here, this is the wilderness, the wildnerness that was always here, and always will be. So much the same, and yet it keeps changing. Yet never for the better – not for good. You can never truly know it, and never make it your home, not here; however good your bushcraft. On land, in the wilderness, you could find a cave, a tree, build a cabin, protect yourself from the elements. Former wildernesses are communities, pubs, shopping malls. But the sea will always be a wilderness. Simply enough to lay your nose and mouth in will kill you. Just imagine what a whole ocean of it could do. What if that lightning suddenly strikes, on all sides, the rain lashing down, the waves lapping up? Already every time a furniture fitting shudders I worry. I stop writing to judge our pitch, our roll, is everything okay? I think I’m becoming more like my mum. But what if that lightning animated the sea, struck, lit it up with its ferocious flash of energy and gave life to that unconscious Frankenstein body? It’s alive, and it’s all around us, it’s angry and wild and immense. The combination is overwhelming, impressive, and terrifying. It’s alive, it towers over you; it’s coming to get you. You wonder why it hasn’t got you already. What watery trickery these sailors have with their heavy keel, with their well-shaped hull: to cheat death and rob the sea of its would-be prize. But the sea doesn’t care. It is poised over you like a skyscraper, one that comes crashing down every few seconds. And it does that again. And again. And again. Every few seconds, on every side. For hours. And then it’s calm. And as quickly as the storm came it relinquishes you. After all, it doesn’t care, it’s not a man, an intellect, or a vengeance. It’s not your subconscious. It’s just a storm. And all that you have to protect yourself from it – all that I have to protect myself from it – is not luck or fate or talismans or wishes or even hopes or life plans or dreams. Nor technology nor skill nor discipline nor toil nor anything earned. Only yourself – only myself. Relying on myself, knowing myself, trusting, completely, myself, my mind, my body, my thoughts, my actions. And maybe that is why the ocean is so so scary. How to cite The Ocean, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Critiqe On Kirstie Laird Essay Example For Students
Critiqe On Kirstie Laird Essay Orange GirlI chose to critique and analyze the works of Kirstie Laird. I liked the variety of her works, and the bright, brilliant colors in most of them. I think the one that fascinated me most, however, was Marionette because it didnt have any of the orange colors or motifs prominent in her other works. This puzzled me, since the title of her showing was Orange Girl and every other picture in the showing fit the title well. I found Lairds works quite similar to those of Judy Dater. Their finished products arent too similar for the most part, but their reasons for the pictures they take are nearly identical. Lairds series investigates the ways in which we define ourselves through social roles, dress and physical markers, both natural and applied. This sounds very much like what Dater wishes to convey in her self-portrait sequence in which she dressed and posed herself as stereotypes of certain kinds of women. Both women take special pains to use themselves as models (not an easy feat, I know from experience!). Not only that, they change costumes and props in every picture to convey the character they are becoming. In a sense, they are actresses, and each picture is a separate role for them. How well they fit the roles? That is a matter of opinion. I found each role they wished to convey was portrayed quite well. As different as each ladies style is, I still found some pictures I thought were quite simila r in many respects. We will write a custom essay on Critiqe On Kirstie Laird specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Lairds Kitchen and Daters Ms. Clingfree were two pictures I thought were similar. If you laid the two side by side, you would see nothing in them that was remotely similar. One is of a young attractive housewife sitting on the kitchen counter, cheerily showing off the fruit bowl. The other is of an older housewife, perhaps one who has been married many years and is starting to feel the stress taking its toll on her. In that sense, the pictures are of the same person (a housewife) as she goes through the years. Laird shows her when she is happily married and everything is sunny and bright. Dater shows the woman after the years have taken their toll and she is tired of it all. I think their ages influence the work. Laird is quite young, 23 I believe, so it is only natural she would show a young happy housewife. Dater, however, is 58 years old. She has seen much in her life, and no doubt was to some degree the unhappy housewife with too many chores and too little time to complete them i n. I think in that sense, the pictures are of the same genre; they are just the same person represented at different ages in her life. Lairds Marionette and Daters The Magician were also similar. In this case, though, the similarities were in the actual picture and not the theme behind it. In Marionette, Laird is the actual puppet on the strings. This picture also happens to be the only one in her series where there is no orange color or orange motif in the picture. I have yet to figure out why this is though. Perhaps it is the truest representation of her life, how she feels she has no control over her actions? If so, then it is not merely a character she has assumed, and therefore the orange that symbolizes her characters need not apply. Once again, her young age could influence this picture. At her age, her whole life is ahead of her, and there is much confusion in making a career choice, perhaps she feels that she is not secure enough in her career right now, and therefore has no control in her life. In The Magician Dater is the puppet master toying with the strings of her little puppet. She seems to be quite co nfident and in control of her life. Perhaps with her age she has accumulated security, and knows she has firm control of her future. Dater seems far more confident in her stature in this picture than Laird does in hers. .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c , .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c .postImageUrl , .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c , .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c:hover , .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c:visited , .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c:active { border:0!important; } .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c:active , .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u609fb30208d4556551f1cb72e95a9e7c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Hurricane EssayLairds Parasol Tattoo reminded me of Daters Nehemiah. I found Parasol Tattoo to be the most intimate of Lairds pictures. It is the only one in which she is not costumed, she is not assuming any roles. She is giving us an intimate glimpse of her body, her soul. I love the tattoos on her back, they are an integral part of her. The way the parasol blocks the head, and yet shows the shadow of it, it enhances the mood of the picture. I love the whole picture for this reason. I love how you can see the red marks where she just took off her bra. The whole picture is just so intimate, it is sensual. I love Daters Nehemiah for this reason. In this case, the picture i snt a self-portrait, but one of her finer nude pictures. It is a picture of the back of a nude man. You can see none of his facial features, and yet you can tell so much from his back. I love the line of it, the way the lights glisten on his skin, it looks like silk to me. It is an incredibly sensual picture, one of my favorites by her. In this case, Parasol Tattoo and Nehemiah have similar subject matter, and the same sensuality oozes from them because they are so intimate. They give me chills to look at them, I love them love them love them!!!Overall, I was quite impressed with the broad variety in Lairds work. She is a very creative individual, with some crazy ideas. I love the fact that she does color photography, her work would not be the same in black and white. It is her vibrant colors that reflect her brilliant personality and make the pictures true representations of herself. I am eager to see what more she produces in the coming years, and am especially curious how much he r work will come to resemble Daters as she ages. I think right now her work is so vibrant because she is so young and wild . . I am curious as to whether it will mellow with age.
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