Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Earn College Credit by Taking Free Online Classes
Gain College Credit by Taking Free Online Classes It is conceivable to gain authentic school credit by taking a free online class. The procedure isn’t in every case simple. Be that as it may, if you’re ready to pay some dues, you could finish a degree necessity by concentrating free online class materials. Heres how: Pick a College That Permits Credit for Experience With the end goal for this to work, you should be taken a crack at a school that gives acknowledgment for some type of life experience. Inquire as to whether they permit portfolio credit, free examination, or credit by test. On the other hand, you could take on one of the large three adaptable credit schools. You may procure a locally licensed degree from one of these projects, or you may move the credits you gain to a customary school. Note that most universities will even now charge you an education cost for credit earned non-generally. Select a Free Online Class With a Counselor Converse with a scholastic consultant at your school to get help picking a free online class. The instructor will assist you with choosing a class that satisfies your credit needs and help you comprehend what will be required to acquire formal credit. Follow Program Guidelines to Create a Portfolio or Complete Exams Winning credit by taking a free online class will expect you to submit portfolio work to your school, concentrate close by a teacher, or take a normalized test to demonstrate your learning. As you complete the free online class, keep steady over the necessities set by your school. Move the Credits to Your Regular College When the free online class and extra school necessities are finished, you ought to be granted an evaluation. On the off chance that you are incidentally tried out one of the enormous three beneficial experience schools, you should move the earned credits to your customary school.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
How Marketing Discovers Customer Needs
How Marketing Discovers Customer Needs Convincing a customer that your product will meet and exceed their needs is the main objective of marketing. © | JirsakIn this article we explore: 1) the relevance of identifying customer needs to marketers, 2) main customer needs and marketing techniques used to discover them, 3) customer discovery 4 steps -3 phases, 4) customer validation, and 5) modern marketing strategies to implement in business.THE RELEVANCE OF IDENTIFYING CUSTOMER NEEDS TO MARKETERSCustomer attitudes are shaped by their experience, opinions, and dealings with your company whether direct or indirect. Without a clear understanding of what customers need or want, companies will be at a loss when trying to encourage them to buy their products, no matter how good they are.However, with a marketing strategy in place to uncover, create and demonstrate why your current and prospective customers need what you offer, your business will be well on the way to success. Businesses should keep in mind that customers rarely purchase without a list of requirements. It is the marketing team’s job to clearly underst and what those requirements are and define why your company is the only one that can effectively meet those needs, just the way they desire.Users are the experts and fuel of any business or as so eloquently put by the great Sam Walton, “There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.†So in order to attract and keep customers, your main goal, as a business should be discovering, meeting and exceeding your customers wants and needs.TOP TEN THINGS MARKETERS NEED TO KNOW ABOUT CUSTOMERSNo single company can satisfy every need of every customer, but by knowing the specific needs of the customers you are targeting, your enterprise can deliver value and encourage customers to become loyal and even spread the word to others. To truly understand and segment your market, there are ten things your team must continuously address about your customers.1. Who are your customers? Individual c ustomer files should include age, gender, marital status, occupation and what type of customer they are loyal, discount, impulse, needs-based or wandering. If your customers are businesses or industrial clients, they tend to buy in larger quantities and have different requirements than individuals.2. What do customers buy?If you know what products and services have a great reputation, you can adjust your inventory and produce goods with the qualities customers are eager to pay for.3. What do customers do? It helps to know the occupation of your consumers and what the industries you sell to are trying to achieve so you can tailor your products and services to meet their needs.4. Why do customers buy?Knowing why a certain product is in demand gives you the advantage to match customer needs and supply the benefits they seek.5. When do customers buy?Providing a customer with an item when they want it increases your chances of success and reduces your chances of producing goods that are no longer desired. Studying buying patterns will also help with successful launches of new products and knowing when to offer added value for products that are not very popular.6. How do customers buy?There are various outlets for people to shop such as online, face-to-face, catalogues and wholesale. Knowing how each customer enjoys shopping helps your business tailor the advertising to meet his/her needs.7. How much do customers spend?Patterns of customer spending give an accurate picture of consumer behavior and shows economic, household, social and market trends. According to Office of Consumer Affairs, “the increase in average household spending on communications, more than tripling between 1982 ($375) and 2002 ($1225), reveals the connectedness of todays society (Statistics Canada 1982 and 2002a).â€8. Whom do customers buy from?People buy to solve problems, so knowing who is currently solving their problems helps you tailor your solution strategies.9. What do customers think about you?If you are giving them exceptional customer experience, they will continue to buy. There are various ways to measure your customers satisfaction.10. What do customers think about your competition?Seeing your competitors through your customers’ eyes gives you a better chance to stay ahead of the rivaling companies.[cp_modal id=cp_id_d0af8] [/cp_modal]MAIN CUSTOMER NEEDS AND MARKETING TECHNIQUES TO DISCOVER THEMLatent Needs/Observation TechniqueThese are hidden customer needs, such as problems they face, but have not yet realized. Marketers should keenly observe the consumer in their natural setting to see or hear frustrations and longings. To understand the prospects true self, doing exactly what they would with the product. The results of this method can help to modify research and results. A common observational technique is computer cookies that track web views and visits.Direct Needs/ Research or ConversationExpressed needs are clearly articulated by the customer. Market research gathers data to help businesses make decisions about products and services. This method has many types. Primary, for new information, qualitative and quantitative which are opinion panels such as online polls and questionnaires, testing done by users and secondary research which uses existing information to determine trends.Assumed Needs/F eedback MethodProbably the riskiest is the assumption businesses make about what their customers require. The best way to test these assumptions is through gathering customer feedback through interviews, surveys and contact forms.There are many other aspects to customer discovery, however focusing on these basic needs is a great place to start.CUSTOMER DISCOVERY: 4 STEPS-3 PHASESThe Customer Discovery Process has 4 StepsState Your Hypothesis Write your core business assumptions so they may be tested.Test Your Hypothesis Validate or disprove your hypothesis through your target market, potential customers and media. Avoid centering the conversations on sales.Test Your Product Concept Once the main customer problem has been highlighted, testing can be done to see the relevance of your idea to the customer and the solution it offers. Customers should be engaged in this process, and changes should be made at this stage.Evaluate Feedback and Plan Next Steps Based on the information ga rnered in phases 2 and 3, determine if you are ready to proceed or reevaluate the project.Professor Steve Blank believes once your product has been proven to be the solution to your customers’ particular problem, the customer discovery process must go through the following 3 phases.3 Phases Problem-Solution fit â€" This phase is to ensure the problem is worth solving. It usually takes weeks or a couple of months to complete Minimum Viable Products (MVP) â€" This phase is sometimes called “valley of death,†because it is the hardest stage due to all the iterations (repetition of processes) and solutions needed at this stage. Some companies run out of ideas or money in the numerous years this phase can take. Sales Funnel or Customer creation phase â€" Once your product has shown viability and has started gaining momentum with your customers, businesses at this point will need a lot of growth to raise capital and even secure investments. To ensure the enterprise gets to this stag e, marketers need to create a following through advertising or blogging or signs and announcements. And they should also ensure that changes are made early so the products are feasible and valuable to the prospects and they can save on costly recalls.CUSTOMER VALIDATION: THE FINAL 3 STEPSSo far we have seen that your marketing team has to be on the ball with discovering exactly what it is that your customers need, and ensuring through feedback and testing that the products will be viable and well received. A super marketing group will even anticipate customers’ needs through observation of behaviors and trends and coax out unexpressed needs the consumer was not even aware of. Now if customer discovery is the beginning of the marketing process to pull prospects in, then customer validation is the stage that will ensure they are converted into brand evangelists, and your business model is solid. It is a very crucial step to be taken before you even launch your new products as you ca n use this process to predict sales outcomes and determine your market position. Once you have gone through the steps of the customer validation process you can scale your business and create a demand for your product.Validation of Minimum Viable Product Simply put, you could lose a lot of time and money not validating your products. Once the need is no longer valid customers will move on to look for what they need at that time. To produce high quality, substantial products, companies must listen to their customers and change little bits at a time. This will ensure customers are passionate about your offerings and you are assured of your core values.Validation of Sales and Marketing Roadmap With the generated momentum through complete understanding of your market segment, and the loyal customers who know are referring your company to others, you can now guarantee your accountant, investors and share holders that for every dollar spent in advertising, is bound to do more than break even. This provides you with a clear objective for sales and gives you confidence in your marketing and advertising strategy.Validation of Business Model Your customers were so pivotal in helping to validate your products, advertising and marketing model, that it is essential to continue involving them in the fine tuning your business model. Encyclopedia defines business model as “a design for the successful operation of a business, identifying revenue sources, customer base, products, and details of financing.†And for simplicity we will define it as your plan of action, which directs all you do in business to create profit and customer satisfaction. So how does a customer help to validate a business model? Simple, you use the facts your research has gathered to change course if you are not meeting their needs, continue with the things they appreciate and tailor your products and services to ensure their business and loyalty.[slideshare id=25768044doc=swedishcustdevpresentati on-130830224253-phpapp01]MODERN MARKETING STRATEGIES TO IMPLEMENT IN BUSINESSResearchContemporary consumers want to be involved in the marketing process, and so the use of modern techniques such as search engines, Google Trends, social media and behavior analysis will greatly improve marketing efforts.Search engine keywords allow business to learn which terms users are entering to find their businesses and products. Keywords also help in predicting market shifts in product demands and trends. Google Adwords is one of the biggest search engine marketing (SEM) tools that uses both search engine optimization (SEO) and advertising to ensure your business can be found online.Google Trends is a great tool to analyze consumer behavior, by viewing their interests and searches over time. This tool is great for helping business with insights on product launch dates, seasonality, and what advertising messages are being received where.As of January 2014, 74% of Internet users used social Networ king sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest. Qualitative online research can easily be achieved through various social media platforms to gather information on people’s internet preferences, for data mining, creating a buzz and for insights on what to market and how.Customer behavior analysis provides details on what customers want and need, through their spending habits or lack thereof. This enables marketers to zoom in and pin point exactly what areas of the market they want to target, who is in it and how and why they spend.Feedback/Collaboration“My call to action is that we would figure out the way to return to the consumer’s backyard. We have to rebuild that trust. We need to listen to them on their time and in the ways they want to communicate with us.†Kim Dedeker, Head of Consumer and Market Knowledge, PG.Because consumer behavior is ever changing, research and marketing skills, techniques and methods need to evolve to unlock and meet the needs of th e customer. Consumers want to feel empowered to give their opinions, when they feel like it and to support or boycott a brand that rises to meet their expectations or falls flat. They also want to be able to incorporate their online lives with off line attitudes and allow that to determine their spending habits. Due to the nature of the modern day consumer, proper care must be taken to observe and converse with but not to bombard them with requests. It is essential to note that modern consumers want to be part of the creative process and to have their thoughts and feelings tapped into and implemented into the creation of products they buy.Customer Relationship ManagementAnother way to figure out the customer needs and to understand and follow up with the customers is Customer Relationship Management. Great marketers and companies know that in order to build customer relationships they must:Establish mutually satisfying goals between consumer and company as this creates a customer fo cus, which in the end achieves the initial objective to increase profits through customer satisfaction. With mutual satisfaction, the aim and the customer the focus the businesses main challenge will then be to ensure they can deliver what the customer wants and therefore ensure they are returning and referring. To develop this relationship, businesses must employ a new approach, one that allows for connectivity and satisfaction.Develop and maintain rapport with customers, marketers, suppliers, managers and investors. Being transparent and providing company briefings to all those involved will inspire trust and connection. Lots of resources should be dedicated to ensuring the flow of conversation and feedback is continuous, documented and implemented. Consumers do not want to waste time filling out surveys only to be faced with the same problems they have pointed out. Not changing could lead to your customers, “the true bosses†to make decisions that either make or break a compa ny.Produce positive feelings in your customers and all those involved with your business. If you have ever looked at a newspaper or article online you are aware that bad news spreads faster than good. It is the same in business and even more detrimental. People will quickly discourage others from using your product or service if they have had a bad experience. Therefore ensure your business puts out quality products consistently and pay strict attention to customer service culture as that is a direct interaction your customers face, and that will be one of the most judged areas of your business.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Ludwig Van Beethoven, Pianist And Composer - 1197 Words
Jonathan Perez Period 1 10-15-14 Ludwig Van Beethoven Ludwig Van Beethoven, a widely known pianist and composer, was born on about December 16, 1770 in Bonn, Germany. He was baptized on December 17, 1770. The actual date of his birth is unknown, but because most babies were baptized within 24 hours of birth, December 16 was his most likely birthdate. Beethoven, however, insisted that he was born 2 years later. Although he was presented with official papers of his birth, he still stubbornly objected. Beethoven had two younger brothers who survived into adulthood, Caspar and Johann. His mother, Maria, was a slender and gentle but deeply moralistic woman. His father, Johann, was a mediocre court singer who, surprisingly, was better known for his intense alcoholism rather than his musical talent. Kapellmeister Ludwig van Beethoven, Beethoven’s grandfather, was Bonn’s most prominent musician and the source of pride for young Beethoven. Beethoven’s father began teaching music to Ludwig at a young age with extreme brutality that affected Ludwig for the rest of his life. Neighbors often spoke of hearing a small, weeping boy playing the clavier, while his father beat him whenever he as so much hesitated or made a mistake. On a daily basis, Beethoven was beaten, locked in the cellar, and was even sleep deprived to get extra hours of practice in. Ludwig studied the violin and clavier from his father and took additional lessons from organists from around town. Whether it wasShow MoreRelatedLudwig Van Beethoven, Pianist And Composer1381 Words  | 6 PagesDuring the late 18th century, Ludwig van Beethoven, pianist and composer, began to his glorious rise to fame in the world of music. After moving to Vienna and becoming a pupil of the celebrated Joseph Haydn, Beethoven commenced his period of compositional productivity and creativity, as known as the â€Å"Heroic Phase†or â€Å"The Middle Period†. Beethoven’s musical style and productivity were heavily based off Romanticism, the idea of expressing one self’s thoughts and emotions freely through the artsRead MoreThe Music Of Ludwig Van Beethoven1600 Words  | 7 PagesLudwig van Beethoven is known for much of his musical accomplishments. One of his most famous is that he is deaf and yet one of the best musical composers of the classical and romanic area. Beethoven has always been one of my personal favorite composers. When I grew up and started taking piano, Beethoven s Fur Elise was my first large classical piece. Ever since that point on I insisted that when we were in Germany we see his home, and that we did. In this essay I will be explaining Ludwigs YouthRead MoreBeethovens Life Outline1208 Words  | 5 Pages1. Intro: Composer Ludwig van Beethoven was an innovator, widening the scope of sonata, symphony, concerto, and quartet, and combining vocals and instruments in a new way. His personal life was marked by a struggle against deafness, and some of his most important works were composed during the last 10 years of his life, when he was quite unable to hear. He is an crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western art music, a pianist, a composer who remains one ofRead MoreThe Music Of Ludwig Van Beethoven1701 Words  | 7 Pages Ludwig van Beethoven Music has been around a long time and is a big part of America’s history. There are many styles of music such as, Rap, RB, Jazz, Classical, Oldies and so on. There has been many great composers throughout the years, these people are legends that will stand for ever such as, Beethoven, George Frideric Handel, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The one artist that I’m going to write about in this paper is the one and only Ludwig van Beethoven. Beethoven was a deaf GermanRead MoreEssay about Life of Ludwig van Beethoven1182 Words  | 5 PagesLife of Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven, also known as â€Å" The General of Musicians,†was born on December 16, 1770. However, this date is not exact because it is believed that Beethoven’s father lied about his son’s age in order to portray him as an infant prodigy. As a result, Beethoven is convinced he was born on December 16, 1772 at the Rheingasse home, which belonged to the Fischers, who were close friends of the family (Orga 8). Johann van and Maria Magdalena BeethovenRead MoreThe Classical Romantic And Modern Era1058 Words  | 5 PagesLudwig Van Beethoven was German Composer Pianist I have never thought of writing for reputation and honor. What I have in my heart must out; that is the reason why I compose Ludwig Van Beethoven piano compositions were published at the age of thirteen. He took a simple ideas creates his worksRead MoreLudwig Van Beethoven1210 Words  | 5 PagesLife of a Legend Ludwig van Beethoven, also known as The General of Musicians, was born on December 16, 1770. However, this date is not exact because it is believed that Beethovens father lied about his sons age in order to portray him as an infant prodigy. As a result, Beethoven is convinced he was born on December 16, 1772 at the Rheingasse home, which belonged to the Fischers, who were close friends of the family (Orga 8). Johann van and Maria Magdalena Beethoven bore five childrenRead MoreComposer Report: Ludwig Van Beethoven Essay1359 Words  | 6 PagesComposer report: Ludwig van Beethoven On 17 December 1770, Ludwig van Beethoven was born. He was an amazing and great classical musical composer. He is known for being the most famous composer of the classical and romantic periods of music. According to the â€Å"Enjoyment of Music†manual, Beethoven was born in Bohn, Germany. His father, with his grandfather, was the two singers at the court of a local prince, Friedrich Max. (Forney and Machlis 197). Beethoven began to take an interest in music fromRead More Ludwig Van Beethoven Essay1285 Words  | 6 Pages German composer and pianist, Ludwig van Beethoven, was born December 1770 and spent most of his life in Vienna, Austria. His first teacher was his alcoholic father, who worked as a musician at the Court of Bonn. Teaching him day and night, Ludwig suffered from his fathers harsh and erratic behavior. For a time, he and his father played at the Church. As his fathers alcoholism increased, Ludwig became the main musician. Beethovens talents were discovered at an early age, and he was sentRead MoreMusic: Ludwig Van Beethoven1670 Words  | 7 Pagesentertainment but it is also a tool for a composer and listeners to release emotion. The best well-known for his inspiring power and expressiveness music is Ludwig van Beethoven. He was a musical genius whose composed some of the most influential pieces of music ever written. During the Classical period, Beethoven’s compositions were the expression as one of the most powerful musical personalities. Although Beethoven was influenced by most of the famous composers such as Franz Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Stages of Sleep, Language Acquisition and Development Essay
A. Describe the stages of sleep. Identify the major sleep disorders. Using an electroencephalogram, researchers noted four distinct stages of NREM sleep and one stage of REM sleep. As we sleep, we cycle through these stages like a circuit at the gym; spending more time on some machines and less time on others. We spend as much as ninety minutes in NREM stages and as little as ten minutes in REM per circuit. The stages of NREM sleep can be identified by their characteristic wavelengths, based on brain activity, as seen on the EEG. We use the cycles per second (cps) to categorize the stages. In stage 1, the lightest of sleep stages, we see a wave of 3-7 cps, which is down from the drowsy measurement of 8-12 cps. As we fall deeper into†¦show more content†¦Somnambulism, or sleepwalking, can be dangerous due to the fact that the person is wandering about without any conscious awareness. B. Describe the way language is acquired. To describe the way language is acquired, were going to talk about how we perceive words and speech, how we learn the meaning of different words, and how we learn to use grammar properly. As children, we immediately start our life by hearing the world around us and its up to our brain to figure out what all the sound means. Research suggests that we are biologically ready to separate sound contrasts that are important for the language spoken around us. We also get help from those around us in the form of infant-directed speech, commonly called baby-talk. We get our information via speech that has been slowed and simplified, and often in a higher pitch, that helps us grasp these new words. We, as children, are amazing new word learners. Like little sponges, absorbing every new word even if we dont immediately get the proper meaning. We hear a new word and guess what that word might mean based on our surroundings. For example, everything in yo ur living room has a name. Now, imagine that someone you trusted very much came in and commented on how lovely your inglenook was. You would have trouble immediately knowing what this person was talking about, but you would make a hypothesis. You would look at whereShow MoreRelatedThe Science of Sleeping950 Words  | 4 PagesSleep timing is controlled by the circadian cycle, working as a inner timekeeping, temperature controlling device, and the part of the body that act as a transmitter associated with wakefulness. Sleep duration is also controlled by circadian rhythms; that is, the time one goes to sleep influences sleep duration. (Zimbardo, and Richard 143). A consistent pattern of cyclical body activities, this cycle constantly working on restoration and conservation of our bodies take place. About a third ofRead MoreThe Stages Of First Language Acquisition1381 Words  | 6 PagesFirst language acquisition means the development of children language in natural environment. First language acquisition could be bilingual or monolingual. Bilingual first language acquisition means children from birth acquire two languages at the same time such as child who has parents from different nationality (Houwer,2009). In contract, monolingual means the development of single language. However, several studies have documented the development of first language acquisition into stages whichRead MoreWhy I Been Learning English1651 Words  | 7 Pagesbeen learning English in school if I grew up speaking it? It s a question that crops up in most English language arts classes at some point. What s your answer? Here are a few typical ones you might hear. You need to speak, read, and write correct English in order to be successful in society. People will think you re uneducated if you don t know how to use English properly. Using language effectively is an important part of using the gifts God has given you. No doubt these answers get at importantRead MoreSmart Emotion Based Music Player With Sleep Alert System1718 Words  | 7 Pages ||shree|| Abstract:- In this paper we propose a smart emotion based music player with sleep alert system. The objective of this paper is to introduce needs and applications of facial expression recognition. The proposed system has a camera to capture the user’s facial expression. By analyzing the expressions, the system will get idea about user’s emotion. After gettingRead MoreNaps During The Day Facilitate Learning Essay756 Words  | 4 Pageslearning, specifically verb generalization. This topic interests me because as a father life got a whole lot easier once I was able to figure out what my child wanted; for example, being able to differentiate between his hungry versus tired cry. Language acquisition is important to me because the sooner he can verbalize his wants and needs, the easier and more effectively I will be able to meet them, in addition to helping him learn about the world around him. Moreover, sometimes a child’s schedule andRead MoreThe Parent Education Clas s : A Voluntary Program For The Parents853 Words  | 4 Pagescare, childcare, education, and other expenses. The educator will then explain what to expect while being pregnant. The three characteristics of prenatal development will be discussed: shortest stage in the life span of the child, most rapid growth and development in the life span of the child, and that it is the most critical in the development of the child. Another issue to address in the pregnancy section of the class is exercise. Physical exercise is important for expecting mothers and shouldRead MoreLanguage Acquisition7926 Words  | 32 PagesÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…......Â…Â…..Â… 3 Main body 1. Language acquisition Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â….Â….Â….......Â… 4 2. The stages of language acquisition Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…....Â…......Â….. 5 2.1. The prelinguistic stage Â…Â…Â….Â….........Â…...........Â… 7 2.2. Babbling Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…........Â…...........Â…Â… 7 2.3. One-word utterances Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…..Â…....Â…...........Â… 9 2.4. Two-word utterances Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…..............Â…..Â….... 10 2.5. Telegraphic speech Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…........Â…...Â…Â… 13 2.6. Language learning during the pre-school period Â….. 16 Read MorePiagets Theory of Infant Development1499 Words  | 6 PagesPiagets Theory of Infant Development Author: Elizabeth Purling Renton Technical College Developmental Psychology Instructor: Leta Berkshire May 30, 2007 Piagets Theory of Infant Development At almost 32 weeks gestation, my little one constantly brings about questions and ideas about what my life will be like when I become a parent. What will she look like? Will she be a loud baby or a quiet one? How long before she sleeps through the night? What cognitive abilities doesRead MoreCommunication Is An Integral Part Of Our Society Essay1945 Words  | 8 Pagescommunication within human society is language (Fellowes Oakley, 2014b). This essay will discuss language, what it is, as well as how children are affected by language throughout different stages of their childhood and beyond. Language is a symbolic system (Piaget, as referenced in Fellowes Oakley, 2014a) which incorporates more than words alone, but includes the use of; words, tone, ‘body language’, register and facial expression. With this being said there are languages which exist containing no wordsRead MoreErik Erikson s Development Theory1408 Words  | 6 Pages Erik Erikson’s Development theory Erik Erikson’s was born June 15, 1902, in southern Germany, His Jewish mother Karla Abrahamsen and to biological father, who was on unnamed Darnish man. Erikson’s biological abandoned him before he was born. Erikson was brought up by his mother and stepfather, Theodor Homberger, who was Erikson’s pediatrician. He never knew the true identity of his biological father. He always was in search of his identity; Erikson’s search for identity took him through some
Penn Foster English Essay Free Essays
I. Introduction 1. Albert Einstein said, â€Å"Learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it. We will write a custom essay sample on Penn Foster English Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now †2. Penn Foster is one route that helps motivated independent learners acquire the knowledge and certification they need. 3. Students’ lives may change due to the decision to further their education. 4. I plan to use the following method balance work, family, and Penn Foster. II. Step 1: Figure Out What Really Matters in Life 1. Spending introspective time thinking about my life is the first step to achieving a balanced life. 2. I use an exercise for figuring out what matters most,†Laura Berman Fortgang (a personal coach) tells WebMD. She has her clients take a couple days off from work to contemplate the following series of questions: 1. If my life could focus on one thing and one thing only, what would that be? 2. If I could add a second thing, what would that be? †and so on. (WebMD) 3. After the list is compiled, then the plan is to departmentalize my life. 4. When I’m at home with the family, I will focus and concern myself with them. 5. Howeve r, when I’m working on Penn Foster, I will only be thinking about learning and completing assignments. . This will help me to spend quality time in the areas that are most important. III. Step 2: Figure Out â€Å"Musts†vs â€Å"Shoulds†1. The next step will be to figure out the difference between â€Å"Musts†vs â€Å"Shoulds. †2. â€Å"We always manage to find time for those things that we decide we must do and its the things we think we should do that get left by the way side. †(Caroline) 3. To do this, I need to take my list from Step 1 and decide which activities on the list must I do. 4. Then, I need to take activities that I would like to do and put them in the should category. 5. While I do this, I need to be careful not to put too many commitments into the must column. 6. The reason is to not overwhelm myself and over commit my time. 7. Some of my musts will be family, work, and Penn Foster. 8. Right now, everything else in my life I consider a â€Å"should†until school is finished. IV. Step 3: Take Daily â€Å"Time-Outs†1. The last step to ensure that I can balance my life is to take daily â€Å"time-outs. †2. â€Å"Take a nap, a walk, or a mini-meditation break with a few minutes of silence. Maintain daily rituals, such as teatime, meditation, prayer, exercise. †(Womensnet) 3. By doing this, I can adapt myself to my new hectic schedule. 4. I will be able to maintain my energy throughout the day. 5. Keeping daily â€Å"time-outs†will ensure that I keep my sanity and they will give me something to look forward to throughout the day. V. Conclusion 1. Maintaining a balance between work, life, and Penn Foster can be accomplished using these three steps. 2. The first step is to figure out what really matters in life. 3. Then, I will create a must and should list. 4. After that, I will ensure I take â€Å"time-outs†to give myself a routine to look forward to during my day. . By doing these three steps, I can balance it all. Works Cited â€Å"Easy Steps to Work-Life Balance | Grants For Women in Business | Loans and Credit for Women Business Owners | Grants For Small Business. †Grants For Women in Business | Loans and Credit for Women Business Owners | Grants For Small Business. 24 Mar. 2009 . discover, you may. â€Å"5 Tips for Better Wor k-Life Balance. †WebMD – Better information. Better health.. 24 Mar. 2009 . way, the, and I wouldn. â€Å"How to Find the Right Work-Life Balance: 6 Steps | Caroline Middlebrook. †Caroline Middlebrook. 24 Mar. 2009 . How to cite Penn Foster English Essay, Essays
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The Turn Of The Screw As A Representation Of Victorian S
The Turn of the Screw as a Representation of Victorian Sexual Repression L.R.G. The Turn of the Screw is largely a representational book. For the most part, I think it stands to characterize Victorian views of sexuality. The entire book seems to be sex related in one way or another. Everything that happens, from Miles being kicked out of school to the governess seeing ghosts, can be interpreted with a sexual connotation. When Miles is kicked out of school, no one says exactly why. After reading the letter from the school, the governess only says that, hes an injury to others. Because of the indirect nature of this discussion, we are left believing that the reason for his dismissal is related to sex in some way. We hear nothing more about this subject until the very end when Miles reveals that he said things to those he liked. Whether this means he did sexual things with other boys or just discussed things with them, we do not know. The important thing to realize is that he was banished from school for this activity, demonstrating that any sexual activity, including discussing it, was an offense punishable by expulsion. At the lake, Flora is seen moving a stick in and out of a hole in a piece of wood. The governess mentions that she is making a makeshift boat, but we are not fooled. This is a clear demonstration of how sexual inquiries or tendencies were ignored and denied in children. Miles was punished because his activity apparently harmed other students. Floras action was simply denied because she was alone with the governess and did not harm anyone. James also throws in an element involving sexual relations between members of different social classes. Miss Jessel and Peter Quint were former employees at Bly who are both deceased. By reading into the story a bit, one can easily infer that the two were sexually involved and Miss Jessel became pregnant. Not only because they were not married, but also because Quint was of a lower class than Miss Jessel, it was shameful for her to be pregnant with his child. Her mysterious death is easily interpreted as a suicide. At some points in the story, homosexuality is hinted at. One could The Turn Of The Screw As A Representation Of Victorian S The Turn of the Screw as a Representation of Victorian Sexual Repression L.R.G. The Turn of the Screw is largely a representational book. For the most part, I think it stands to characterize Victorian views of sexuality. The entire book seems to be sex related in one way or another. Everything that happens, from Miles being kicked out of school to the governess seeing ghosts, can be interpreted with a sexual connotation. When Miles is kicked out of school, no one says exactly why. After reading the letter from the school, the governess only says that, hes an injury to others. Because of the indirect nature of this discussion, we are left believing that the reason for his dismissal is related to sex in some way. We hear nothing more about this subject until the very end when Miles reveals that he said things to those he liked. Whether this means he did sexual things with other boys or just discussed things with them, we do not know. The important thing to realize is that he was banished from school for this activity, demonstrating that any sexual activity, including discussing it, was an offense punishable by expulsion. At the lake, Flora is seen moving a stick in and out of a hole in a piece of wood. The governess mentions that she is making a makeshift boat, but we are not fooled. This is a clear demonstration of how sexual inquiries or tendencies were ignored and denied in children. Miles was punished because his activity apparently harmed other students. Floras action was simply denied because she was alone with the governess and did not harm anyone. James also throws in an element involving sexual relations between members of different social classes. Miss Jessel and Peter Quint were former employees at Bly who are both deceased. By reading into the story a bit, one can easily infer that the two were sexually involved and Miss Jessel became pregnant. Not only because they were not married, but also because Quint was of a lower class than Miss Jessel, it was shameful for her to be pregnant with his child. Her mysterious death is easily interpreted as a suicide. At some points in the story, homosexuality is hinted at. One could infer that there was some sexual attraction between Mrs. Grose, the housekeeper, and the governess. Mrs. Grose kisses the governess on one occasion and on another, the governess calls Mrs. Grose her pet. On some occasions the story insinuates that there was a sexual relationship between Miles and Peter Quint. They apparently spent time together alone, quite often. Also, I find several hints at the governess infatuation with Miles. At one point she says, he wanted, I felt, to be with me. Because of the extreme sexuality of this book, I cant help but equate that comment with sex. At the very end of the book the governess says to Miles, What does he matter. I have you. He being Peter Quint. This brings me to the most important aspect of the book, the governess ghosts. I believe that the ghosts she claimed to see were embodiments of her sexual frustrations. Because part of being a governess was being unmarried and having no gentlemen flatterers, the governess obviously had some issues with sexual repression. I think the purpose of these ghosts is to further accentuate sexual repression as a whole, not only the governess. In the story the ghosts seem to be the reason for her erratic behavior when in reality, sexual repression is the reason for it. The way that James wrote the story, setting it up in a frame, works very well with this idea. Although we are hearing the story from an unnamed narrator who heard it from Douglas at a holiday party, the governess is the author and one who experienced the events. Because she wrote the manuscript, it works well to consider the ghosts as symbols for her sexual frustration. I think the purpose of this book is to present and refute Victorian ideals about sexuality. While I understand that other, very different interpretations of the book exist and are feasible, this one is definitely the most dominant to me. The overwhelming sexual connotations of every
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Christian Rock essays
Christian Rock essays Christian and rock are two words that usually do not accompany each other, my only question is why not? Can Christian music rock? A lot of people steer clear of todays contempary Christian hits because they hear the word Christian and decide that they do not want to drive around listening to the church hymns that their grandparents sing, however, that is not what todays Christian music is all about. In fact a lot of people are guilty of being Christian music fans without even realizing it. Recently gospel music has been breaking into the main stream, and big time Christian hits are being played on anything from the secular radio station to MTV. Bands like Switchfoot, Jars of Clay, Relient K, and Audio A are just a few examples of Christians that rock, their bands have chart topping hits and they, along with many other Christians that rock, will be playing in the Ichthus music festival this year. Along with Ichthus Christians also have their own version of the about everything from th e dance club, to a rave where they play all the most recent Christian music hits. Gospel music's mainstream conversion is a movement in progress. Momentum, however, is definitely building(Mitchell1) no one can deny that recently a lot of Christian music has been going mainstream. I have turned on the radio to secular stations numerous times and heard some of my favorite Christian bands. An example of the recent play would be switchfoot with their song called Meant to Live(Mitchell 1) the song has been topping the secular charts and is actually at the moment included in the top 100 videos at and was in last Decembers top 10 modern rock chart. A lot of people do not realize that switchfoot is a Christian band, but indeed they are, and with the presentation of the facts in the above paragraph, it would be hard to deny that they rock. However switchfoot is just one example of a Christian band that is toppi...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Definition of Subject for Spanish Students
Definition of Subject for Spanish Students Traditionally, the subject is the part of the sentence that performs the action of the main verb of a sentence. Sometimes, subject is used to refer specifically to the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb. In Spanish (rarely in English except in commands), it is common also for the subject to be implied rather than directly stated. In the following sentences, the subject is in boldface. Examples El hombre canta bien. The man sings well. (The noun hombre is performing the action of the verb canta.)Los jugadores no estn con nosotros. The players arent with us. (The noun jugadores is performing the action of the verb estn.)Ellos no estn con nosotros. They arent with us. (The subject is a pronoun.)No estn con nosotros. They arent with us. (The subject here in the Spanish sentence is implied to be ellos but isnt directly stated. In translation, the pronoun here must be stated in English.) The subject of a verb can be contrasted with its object, which receives the action of the verb rather than performs it. The subject of the sentence sometimes is considered to include not just the noun, but all the words in the phrase that accompanies the noun. By this definition, el hombre in the first sample sentence can be considered the subject of the sentence. By this definition, the subject of a sentence can get quite complex. For example, in the sentence La chica que va al teatro no me conoce (the girl who is going to the theater doesnt know me), la chica que va al teatro can be considered the full subject. By this definition, the subject of a sentence can be contrasted with the predicate of a sentence, which includes the verb and often the object of the verb and related words. In Spanish, the subject and verb (or predicate) match in number. In other words, a singular subject must be accompanied by a verb that is conjugated in a singular form, and a plural subject takes a plural verb. Although the subject is usually thought of as the performer of a sentences action, in passive sentences this may not be the case. For example, in the sentence su tà o fue arrestado (her uncle was arrested), tà o is the subject of the sentence even though some unspecified person or persons are performing the verbs action. In Spanish, as in English, the subject typically comes before the verb except in questions. However, in Spanish, it is not extraordinary for the verb to come before the subject even in direct statements. For example, in the sentence me amaron mis padres (my parents loved me), padres (parents) is the subject of the verb amaron (loved). Sample Sentences Un planeta es un cuerpo celeste que orbita alrededor de una estrella. A planet is a heavenly body that orbits around a star.No comprendo la revuelta rabe. I dont understand the Arab revolt. (The subject in the Spanish sentence is implied.)Yo y tà º podemos hacer todo. You and I can do everything. (This is the use of a compound subject.)Me gustan las enchiladas. I like enchiladas. (In the Spanish sentence, the subject here comes after the verb. Note that in translation, the subject in English represents a different word.)Hoy empieza la revolucià ³n. The revolution begins today. (The subject comes after the verb. Although hoy is sometimes a noun, here it is an adverb.)Skype fue comprado por Microsoft. Skype was bought by Microsoft. (In this passive sentence, Skype is the subject even though it is not performing the verbs action.)
Friday, February 14, 2020
Human Resources Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Human Resources - Assignment Example rly interested in the jobs they are performing but are only performing those jobs for the sake of getting paid and meeting their basic needs, this often signals a lack of employee motivation and interest. This can be harmful for the company in the long run as human resources are the main asset of a company and substantiate the company’s brainpower. Thus, it is highly in the interest of organizations to keep their employees fully motivated in order to ensure that their main assets are strong (Kishie et al, 2012). Accordingly, there are various factors, which influence employee motivation. Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation are both needed in order to encourage employees to do their best. However, some organizations mainly focus on extrinsic motivation and they are not as much focused upon intrinsically motivating employees. Several motivation theories focus on intrinsic motivating factors that develop interest and a desire to work hard within employees. It has also been seen that without intrinsic motivation, employees are not likely to be properly motivated (Kishie et al, 2012). This paper analyzes the human resource practices regarding employee motivation of a semiconductor intellectual property supplier by the name of ARM. While the company is highly successful in its business and conducts business worldwide, the company can attribute its success to the hard work and high motivation levels of its 2,050-employee workforce all over the world. ARM†s main human resource management strategy is directed towards global learning and development, talent management, and the provision of proper reward systems in order to enhance employee motivation and increase productivity. In order to do this, the company uses several intrinsic motivational tools, such as providing employees with proper training, opportunities to choose and manage their own challenges and assignments, rewarding them with shares and bonuses, and giving them the discretion to act as owners
Saturday, February 1, 2020
A Short story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
A Short story - Essay Example Based on his dad interest in driving and education, Tom used to be driven to the school every day in the morning and in the evening. His father, though a good driver who emulated the road signs and rules was a tough driver who drove with a high speed unless there was a traffic jam. During his trip to the school, Tom used to ask his father many questions as to why he was driving in that high speed and go between cars yet the car was not involved in an accident. His father did not lie to him but informed Tom that diligent and confident is the major aspect that a good driver is supposed to follow. This made Tom to have an interest in driving. Tom’s dad was a person who wanted his children to develop their career at their early ages. During the holidays, Tom used most of his free time driving with James, his father. In this way, Tom closely interacted with his father and he was in a better position to ask all the disturbing questions that he was asking as they were driving to and from the school. His father on the other hand, allowed Tom to drive in flat areas where there were no cars in order to avoid accidents. Most notably, the father taught Tom on all the aspects of driving including the physical parts of a motor vehicle and the road signs. When being taught by his father Tom used to disturb him with all sought of questions. Being eager to know how to drive and become an excellent driver, Tom loved the way his father drove the family and this inspired him. Whenever the car could get a puncture, James would repair the puncture and the journey would continue without delay. The basic mechanic process that Tom†™s dad used to undertake any time the car experienced problems inspired Tom since he would look at his father going down the car and try to make things work in the right manner. Though Tom’s dad used to allow Tom to drive in lowlands and where their were no vehicles, his father one day as they were driving from school to
Friday, January 24, 2020
Psychosocially Therapeutic Aspects of The Old Man and the Sea by Heming
Psychosocially Therapeutic Aspects of The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway This exceptional story should be used as a therapeutic aid for hopeless and depressed people who needed a powerful force for continuing struggles of life against fate. They should say as the boy Manolin, "I'll bring the luck by myself." In the story the old man tells us "It is silly not to hope...besides I believe it is a sin." Hemingway draws a distinction between two different types of success: outer-material and inner-spiritual. While the old man lacks the former, the importance of this lack is eclipsed by his possession of the later. He teaches all people the triumph of indefatigable spirit over exhaustible resources. Hemingway's hero as a perfectionist man tells us: To be a man is to behave with honor and dignity, not to succumb to suffering, to accept one's duties without complaint, and most importantly to have maximum self-control. At the end of the story he mentions, "A man is not made for defeat...a man can be destroyed but not defeated." The book finishes with this symbolic sentence: "The old man was dreaming about lions." It is a psychological analysis of Hemingway famous story that we have used it as a psychotherapeutic aid for hopeless and depressed people and also psychological victims of war in a more comprehensive therapeutic plan. The first sentence of the book announces itself as Hemingway's: "He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish" . The words are plain, and the structure, two tightly-worded independent clauses conjoined by a simple conjunction, is ordinary, traits which characterize Hemingway's literary style. Santiago is the protagonist of the novella. He is an old fisherman in Cuba who, when we meet him at the beginning of the book, has not caught anything for eighty-four days. The novella follows Santiago's quest for the great catch that will save his career. Santiago endures a great struggle with a uncommonly large and noble marlin only to lose the fish to rapacious sharks on his way back to land. Despite this loss, Santiago ends the novel with his spirit undefeated. Some have said that Santiago represents Hemingway himself, searching for his next great book, an Everyman, heroic in the face of human tragedy, or the Oedipal male unconscious trying to slay his fat... ...session of the later. One way to describe Santiago's story is as a triumph of indefatigable spirit over exhaustible material resources. As noted above, the characteristics of such a spirit are those of heroism and manhood. That Santiago can end the novella undefeated after steadily losing his hard-earned, most valuable possession is a testament to the privileging of inner success over outer success. Triumph over crushing adversity is the heart of heroism, and in order for Santiago the fisherman to be a heroic emblem for humankind, his tribulations must be monumental. Triumph, though, is never final. Hemingway vision of heroism is Sisyphean, requiring continuous labor for quintessentially ephemeral ends. What the hero does is to face adversity with dignity and grace, hence Hemingway's Neo-Stoic emphasis on self-control and the other facets of his idea of manhood. What we achieve or fail at externally is not as significant to heroism as the comporting ourselves with inner nobility. As Santiago says, "Man is not made for defeat....A man can be destroyed but not defeated" . Works Cited: Hemingway, Ernest (1952). The Old Man and the Sea. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Decision making on workplace Essay
In my workplace I look after a gentleman who likes to go to the shops on his own. He is deemed too have mental capacity to make this decision. On making this decision it was discussed with him what certain protocols we needed to put in place to support him and to make this happen safely. This man is very much involved in his care plan and he has read, and reviews his care plan when changes are needed. Firstly it was explained to this man that we needed to put a risk assessment in place which says if anything was to happen to him when he was out and about that he took full responsibility of what might happen, for example if this man was to fall when out by himself that the workplace would take no responsibility for this, this man was very happy with this statement and was willing to sign and agree to this risk assessment. The family were also made aware of this decision and were happy for this to be put in place. Family suggested that maybe before he goes out that he was to tell a member of staff where and when he was going, just so that someone is aware. All parties agreed to this. Letting this man go out to the shops by himself really helps with his self-esteem because it makes him feel important, respected and makes him feel like he is as independent as possible and that he doesn’t have to ask all the time about what he wants to do. Also if any changes have been made to his care plan for whatever reason he is always consulted first and asked if he is happy with the decisions that are being made. If he isn’t happy for whatever reason he is more than capable to speak up and say what he would like or prefer. On the other hand if this man didn’t have the mental capacity to make any of these decision or had no family to make decisions on behalf of him and advocate would be brought in and they would be able to make best interest decisions on behalf of him.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Digital Crime Theories Essay - 694 Words
Marsha Thompson CIS 170 Doctor David Fox Strayer University Feb. 20, 2105 Select two of the theories, suggested in Chapter 3 of the text, that a researcher could use to explain the cause of digital crime. Provide a rationale to support your response. According to Sang M Lee, computer abuse shows no sign of decline. The social structure theory can help prevent it by enhancing insiders involvement in computer abuse. Studies show that deterrence factors influence SDI and organizational factors significantly affect ICI and ICI decreases insiders’ abuse. Interestingly, SDI negatively affects both insiders and invaders abusers. According to Peter Marzuk, psychological disorders and persons with mental illnesses and†¦show more content†¦The researchers, based at Kings College Londons Institute of Psychiatry, said the differences in psychopaths brains mark them out even from other violent criminals with anti-social personality disorders (ASPD), and from healthy non-offenders. The study showed that psychopaths, who are characterised by a lack of empathy, had less grey matter in the areas of the brain important for understanding other peoples emotions. According Reuters 2012 cognitiveand behavorial treatments may benefit people with anti-social personality disorders, the same approach may not work for psychopaths with brain damage, Reuters said. Essi Viding, a professor in the psychology and language sciences department of University College London, who was not involved inShow MoreRelatedDigital Crime Theory And The Psychoanalytic Theory1017 Words  | 5 PagesDigital Crime Theories The society of today has reached the verge of a technological revolution with nearly all individuals and most businesses becoming very dependent on computers and networks, due to the advances in telecommunications and computers, to perform daily activities. (Hafner, K., 1995). 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